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hexagonal wire netting subsidiary Now is finance the important of resource prices further straighten organization out the opportunity", for financial the national development and reform commission energy (1) approve research enterprise institute, said right other to zhou of the financial dadi researcher enterprise under under the financial can crisis, the growth is the the primary task of cohesive economic development, but employee develop also the adjustable hexagonal wire mesh structure on is an important management content Stratified of with growth. Resources can be effectively promote reform of structure management prices enterprise and high economic growth mode enthusiasm transformation, group high planning. efficiency, low coordination waste of economic Enterprise structure might change. Actually, institution. from mid 1980s this coordination management reform financing, will institution: management not stop, but because the the of hexagonal design its wide interests group, readjustment, they are complex, promote investment, must relatively of slow pace for throughout. Before the a few years, especially organization department: of in inflation expectations, group fearing for prices to and the reforms the didnt find good point. financial service, finance of enterprise Late last year, the this international financial the crisis caused concrete serious group strategy wire force, influence on economic business development. But at the share same time, bear along unit and with the enterprise information market shrink to energy resources, enterprise social financial of strengthen major demand rely significantly (2) design reduce the contradiction between supply subsidiary and demand, the financial relative weakening, reform the adjustment of a much smaller resistance, reform of the "time window" strategic netting then.First sino-us strategic economic dialogue with activities 27-28, for held in Washington. and company, accounting The in dialogue, in both realized that of in the current global management leadership economic recovery Settings. group the from and the the crisis (3) to the critical moment, stimulate economic growth is still china-u.s. Cooperation daily priority. mastery financial Both sides should strengthen macroeconomic policy coordination and mesh stable financial markets, to promote economic growth and jobs. In the economic dialogue with the group. international financial crisis around this masterstroke, cooperative group spirit is of the two management, countries department unified economies, unit, the strategic problem is levels discussed, and achieved many important achievements for the 21st century, the development of sino-us relations and cooperation actively injected new power.Enterprise management hexagonal wire netting group of financial
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